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Legs Up The Wall Pose – Viparita Karani

Pose Summary

Legs Up The Wall aka Viparita Karani is an easily accessible and widely beneficial yoga posture. This Restorative posture is a mild inversion as well and has many of the benefits you would receive from other inversions. Unlike most inversions you have the added benefit of being able to rest in this posture and hold it for long periods of time. Some even use this posture for a Savasana.

If you are unable to use a wall or don’t have access to a wall you can mimic this pose by using a block under your sit bones and lift your legs straight up to the sky.

Yogi Practicing a variation on Viparita Kirani or Shoulder Stand
Yoga Collective - Legs Up The Wall Pose – Viparita Karani


Step 1

Start by sitting next to the wall with the left hip touching the wall.

Step 2

Gently turn your body and bring the legs up the wall.

Step 3

Lower your back, shoulders and head onto the earth. If you would like a little more support you can bring a bolster or blanket under the spine.

Step 4

Shimmy from side to side to get your buttocks as close to the wall as possible.

Step 5

Rest the arms alongside the body with the palms facing upwards.

Step 6

Allow the thigh bones to rest in their sockets.

Step 7

Stay here for 5-10 minutes while you focus breathing deeply and consciously.

Step 8

To release Viparita Karani, gently use your hands to push yourself away from the wall and bring the legs back down. Press back up into a seated position with your back leaning against the wall for support.


  • Therapeutic for anxiety, headaches, insomnia, mild depression, muscle fatigue, arthritis, digestive issues, irregular blood pressure, migraines, respiratory problems, varicose veins, menstrual cramps and PMS, menopause
  • Promotes balance 
  • Strengthens immune system 
  • Balances endocrine system
  • Calms the nervous system 
  • May increase probability of conception is done post coital 
  • Stretches the hamstrings 
  • Reduces swollen calves, ankles and feet 



  • Back or neck injury 
  • Glaucoma or eye problems