Side Plank (Vasisthasana)

Shayna Hiller
Shayna breaks down this basic back bending posture. A Level 1 pose, Bridge Pose (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana) is a great way to...
Lauren Eckstrom
Lauren Eckstrom breaks down Chair Pose (Utkatasana). Chair pose is a basic posture used to transition through Surya Namaskar "B". It is...
Lauren Eckstrom
Join Lauren Eckstrom as she guides you through Child's Pose (Balasana), a level 1 resting posture. Child's Pose isn't just a chill...
Shayna Hiller
Shayna breaks down Chair Pose (Utkatasana), a Level 1 pose. Chair pose is a basic posture used to transition through Surya Namaskar "B"....
Lauren Eckstrom
Lauren breaks down Chaturanga Dandasana, which literally translates to four limbed staff pose. Chaturanga is a level 1 yoga pose and is...
Andrea Jensen
Join Andrea as she deconstructs the Cobra pose, seamlessly transitioning to Upward Dog. Whether you're at Level 1 (Cobra) or Level 2...
Lauren Eckstrom
Lauren breaks down Crescent Pose sometime called Anjanayasana Level 1 Crescent pose is a basic standing pose commonly found in most yoga...
Lauren Eckstrom
Lauren breaks down Crescent Twist Pose also called Prayer Twist Level 2 Crescent Twist is an invigorating and detoxifying pose. Twisting literally...
Shayna Hiller
Shayna breaks down Crow Pose (Bakasana) also called Crane Pose. Level 2/3 Crow pose is the foundation for all arm balances. It is...
Shayna Hiller
Shayna breaks down Side Crow (Parsva Bakasana). A Level 3 pose, Side Crow is Crow with a twist. It's a lot more...
Andrea Jensen
Get ready to dive deep into the legendary Downward Facing Dog, or as the cool kids call it, Down Dog (Adho Mukha...
Lauren Eckstrom
Lauren breaks down the famous Downward Facing Dog aka Down Dog (Adho Mukha Svasana) Level 1 Downdog is one of the favorite...
Shayna Hiller
Shayna breaks down Eagle Pose (Garudasana). A Level 2 pose, Eagle Pose is a fun and extremely challenging balancing yoga pose. It...
Lauren Eckstrom
Lauren breaks down Extended Side Angle Pose (Utthita Parsvakonasana) Level 1 Extended side angle is a beautiful opening and side stretching pose....
Shayna Hiller
Join Shayna as she guides you through this deep heart and throat opener!
Lauren Eckstrom
Lauren breaks down Forward Fold (Uttanasana) Level 1 Forward Fold is a basic yoga posture used in every standing vinyasa series including...
Lauren Eckstrom
Lauren breaks down Forward Fold with hands under feet (Padahastasana) A Level 1 pose Padahastana literally means feet to hands yoga pose....
Lauren Eckstrom
Lauren breaks down Forward Fold with Big Toe Hook (Padangusthasana) Level 1 Padangusthasana means hand to toe pose. It's a mild inversion...
Lauren Eckstrom
Lauren breaks down Half Forward Fold (Ardha Uttanasana), a Level 1 Pose. Half Forward Fold is a basic posture in yoga used...
Lauren Eckstrom
Lauren breaks down Half Forward Fold (Ardha Uttanasana) Level 1 Half Forward Fold is a basic yoga posture used in every standing...
Travis Eliot
Travis breaks down Half Moon Pose aka Ardha Chandrasana. A Level 1/2 pose, Half Moon is a wonderful expressive and opening yoga...
Shayna Hiller
Shayna breaks down Handstand (Adho Mukha Vrksasana) A Level 3 pose, Handstand is exactly as it sounds (standing on your hands). The...
Shayna Hiller
Shayna breaks down Handstand Fallout or Falling Out of Handstand, part of your Level 2/3 practice. This is a great tutorial to...
Lauren Eckstrom
Lauren breaks down Hand to Big Toe Pose- Variation 1 (Utthita Hasta Padagustasana I) Level 2 Utthita Hasta Padagustasana literally means Extended...
Lauren Eckstrom
Lauren breaks down Hand to Big Toe Pose- Variation 2 (Utthita Hasta Padagustasana II) Level 2 Utthita Hasta Padagustasana literally means Extended...
Lauren Eckstrom
Lauren breaks down Hand to Big Toe Pose- Variation 3 (Utthita Hasta Padagustasana III) Level 2/3 Version 3 of this pose incorporates...
Rachelle Tratt
Rachelle breaks down Humble Warrior. A Level 1/2 posture, Humble Warrior is a pose of surrender with strength. Some tend to think...
Lauren Eckstrom
Lauren breaks down Lord Of The Dance Pose aka Dancer's Pose (Natarajasana) Level 2 Dancer's Pose is a beautifully expressive yoga posture...
Lauren Eckstrom
Lauren breaks down Lunging Twist Level 1/2 Lunge Twist may be your first yoga standing twist you encounter. Twisting wrings out your inners...
Lauren Eckstrom
Lauren breaks down Mountain Pose (Tadasana) Level 1 Mountain Pose is the foundation for all yoga poses. It is said that it...
Lauren Eckstrom
Lauren breaks down Plank Pose also called Upward Push-up Level 1 Plank or Upward Push-up is a strengthening yoga pose. You will be...
Lauren Eckstrom
Lauren breaks down Pyramid Pose (Parsvottanasana) Level 1/2 Pyramid Pose could be quite an intense posture. It will deeply stretch your hamstrings...
Shayna Hiller
Shayna breaks down Seated Spinal Twist (Ardha Matsyendrasana) A Level 1/2 pose, Ardha Matsyendrasana is literally translated as Half Lord of the...
Travis Eliot
Travis breaks down Side Angle Pose aka Parsvakonasana. A Level 1 pose, Side Angle is a beautiful opening and side stretching yoga...
Rachelle Tratt
Side Plank is a basic arm balancing pose used in many vinyasa sequences. Side Plank will build strength in your arms and...
Travis Eliot
Travis breaks down Staff Pose aka Dandasana. A Level 1 pose, Staff Pose is a basic yoga pose, which has tons of...
Lauren Eckstrom
Lauren breaks down Standing Splits (Urdva Prasarita Eka Padasana) Level 1/2 Standing Splits is a deep stretch for the legs, especially the...
Shayna Hiller
In this video Shayna breaks down Star Pose. This introspective posture is a great outer hip opener and stretch for the lower...
Lauren Eckstrom
Lauren breaks down Tree Pose (Vrksasana). Level 1 Tree Pose, a yogi favorite, is a basic and fun balancing yoga pose that...
Travis Eliot
Travis breaks down Triangle Pose aka Trikonasana. A Level 1 pose, Triangle is a strengthening and stretching yoga pose and engages many...
Shayna Hiller
Shayna breaks down Twisting Chair Pose also called Revolved Chair Pose (Parivrtta Utkatasana) A Level 2 pose, Twisting Chair is a challenging...
Travis Eliot
Travis breaks down Upward Facing Dog aka Updog or Urdvah Mukha Svanasana A Level 1/2 pose, Updog (Urdhva Mukha Svanasana) is one...
Travis Eliot
Travis breaks down Warrior 1 aka Virabhadrasana I. A Level 1 pose, Warrior 1 is one of the first (hence the name...
Shayna Hiller
Shayna breaks down the common transition of Warrior 1 to Warrior 2 aka Vira 1 to Vira 2. A Level 1 sequence,...
Travis Eliot
Travis breaks down Warrior 2 aka Virabhadrasana II. A Level 1 pose, Warrior 2 is a powerful and elegant pose used in...
Lauren Eckstrom
Lauren breaks down Wide Leg Forward Fold (Prasarita Padottanasana) Level 1 Wide Legged Foward Fold is a deep release. It lengthens and...
Andrea Jensen
Get ready for a deep dive into the art of Warrior 2, or as we call it, Virabhadrasana II. Andrea's got the...
Shayna Hiller
Shayna breaks down Warrior 3 (Virabhadrasana III) also know as Superman! A Level 2 pose, Warrior 3 is a powerful balancing yoga pose....
Drinie Aguilar
In this quick 15-minute tutorial, Drinie's got your back on finding balance and comfort in your Sirsasana or headstand game. Dive into...