Day 14: One Moment

Steve Jones
Find a comfortable sitting position, close your eyes and take a moment.
Steve Jones
A little bit of breath work to help focus the mind.
Steve Jones
Observe the stillness when you pause.
Steve Jones
Release tension from your body while relaxing your mind.
Steve Jones
Use Mantra to focus the mind.
Steve Jones
Observe the breath to experience calm.
Steve Jones
Stop what you are doing and look deeply.
Steve Jones
Allow yourself at least 5 minutes to do nothing.
Steve Jones
Find out!
Steve Jones
5 minutes without having an agenda is very liberating.
Steve Jones
Notice the impermanence of all things.
Steve Jones
Sit with whatever is there!
Steve Jones
There is stillness there...Tap into it!
Steve Jones
There is only ever one moment, the present one.
Steve Jones
Relax, you don't have to do anything.
Steve Jones
Quiet the internal chatter.
Steve Jones
If there is turmoil, take shelter.
Steve Jones
Come back to the calm in the present.
Steve Jones
Notice what comes up, create a little space.
Steve Jones
A gratitude meditation.
Steve Jones
The power of meditation.