You’ve built a nurturing regular yoga practice during the winter and you’re enjoying the amazing benefits of yoga. But then summer rolls around, the weather gets warmer and you fall out of your routine. You spend more time outdoors, go out more with friends, travel, go on holidays, eat differently… and your yoga practice can fall by the wayside.
“Here are my top 7 tips to inspire your yoga practice during the summer”
1. Step on the mat without pressure.
Sometimes we think it’s not worth it to step on the mat if we don’t have time for a full 60-minute practice. This ends up killing our practice as, especially during the holidays, it’s hard to find such long uninterrupted time for ourselves. Let’s get rid of that rule! Some practice is better than no practice.
2. Listen to your intuition.
Step on the mat, start breathing and connecting to yourself. Remember that a key component that differentiates yoga practice from other physical exercise is that it’s not just about pushing through — it’s about tuning into how you’re feeling and creating an appropriate response. Let your intuition take over: 5 sun salutations can be a beautiful practice for today!
3. Focus on what you love.
You want to make doing yoga something you look forward to and something that’s fun, not a chore. If you have a consistent, longstanding home practice, and you feel like challenging yourself, go for it. But if you’re new to home practice, emphasize poses you love.
4. If you want guidance, try an online yoga class.
From the comfort of your own home, hotel room or anywhere you want… access studio classes anytime. Pick your level, the yoga style you like, your favorite teacher and let the flow begin!
5. Be flexible with time of day.
Don’t pressure yourself to practice first thing in the morning if that’s not in the summer flow. If your schedule has changed, feel free to be flexible and fit your practice in when you can. Maybe it’s a few stretching asanas before going to bed!
6. Enjoy the good weather.
If the warmer temperature inspires you to practice outside, enjoy the fresh air!
7. If you can’t practice asana, practice mindfulness.
Sometimes we just don’t have time or don’t feel like practicing asana, and that’s ok. Try to add mindful moments to your day: take your time during a barefoot walk on the beach, savor every single bite of a delicious meal, take some deep breaths while watching the sunset, enjoy a relaxing swim… Remember, yoga is connection!
Remember: it’s called “yoga practice” and not “yoga perfect”. Enjoy!